I’m a volunteer Wildlife Rehabilitator licensed by New York State, I specialize in Whitetail Deer. Primary care are fawns. Fawn season begins May 1st sometimes earlier throughout September 15 when our regulations state they must be released back to the wild. Every season is different. I’ve rescued 30-80 fawns a season. Obviously not all fawns survive their situations.
How wonderful is it that these little beauties are going to be able to live their lives out as they were meant to be…right after I rehabilitate them until they can be out on their own…
“Give yourself permission to take time to breathe, to live life, to give, to love, to reflect, to be present, and to just be,,,,
We are in the process of building a website! How exciting right?!?!? Please have some patience before we are completely up and running…We will let you know when – for now enjoy the photos!